Life is about choices I always have an option: I can choose love, peace, happiness or chaos, hate or disease.
"Make a choice to take a chance or life will never change." - Unknown Author
Choose to change your life today - what is it costing you to remain in the current mental mode?
My conscious acceptance of loving relationships blanket my life in joy and happiness says, Dr. Joe Hooper. I realize that I am in the midst of ever-present Good. I've made mistakes, but all of those are swallowed up in unconditional Love, Peace and Joy. I use mishaps as stepping stones asking myself how can I use this experience to serve instead of sabotage my life now? I choose to grow expand, explore and become more and more of who I was created to be an original Goddess of light and Love an instrument of peace and an example of living an authentic life in this earthly human body that is a temporary outfit that does not define nor represent my true God realized nature.
Action Step- Affirm I will trust my inner knowing/intuition/spirit to make choices that represents love & empowerment for me as well as for all who I meet today.