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Shawna Halley

Time and Tools

Food for thought

What is your time worth?

Are you using the correct tools that will deliver your desired results?

How do you know and measure outcomes to determine if the tool are best for the investment of time?

When you know and place value on you time - it becomes a necessity not squander it.

Proper use of your time today is an investment in the results you seek to produce/manifest tomorrow. Before giving your time to any activity ask: what return do I hope to gain with this investment of allotted time. If the investment will not add to your net worth spiritually, good health, improved relationships, financial growth, happy and joyful emotional state--then you may want to consider engaging in an activity(ies) that does.

Life is a checker board, TIME is your opponent. If you hesitate to move your men will be wiped off the board by time. You are playing against an opponent that will not tolerate indecision.

You must make a move to be victorious (Napoleon Hill)

The next scheduled entry will focus on why using the proper tools will not only enhance, but also save time and your valuable resources.

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