I down sized to upgrade,
Yet I found myself still in the rat race?
What is the hurry?
Hurry is worry, a distraction, from the course I laid.
It kept me busy constantly shifting, drifting off course.
Blue my truck, got my attention, and said slow down.
Spirit chimed in remember your purpose; remember your goal; hurry is worry, let’s not tire out in regression and attachment to the old story (status quo).
Keep clear, keep your focus; give attention to only what brings greater expansion. Expansion of the Soul that is…
This is the year for building relationships, take the time to nurture and enhance those that are close
Spring is here, settle in.
Spring is the time to plant-thoughts that will germinate into multiple dynamic, bountiful harvests this year.
See the sun
See the rain
Know with the wind – brings change
Change means expansion
Change means growth
Change means evolution of the soul that is what we promote
Don’t stop the flow- let go!
Don’t stop the flow- reach for more!
Don’t stop the flow- create!
Don’t stop the flow- remember and wait!
Be of good cheer, happiness is the key.
Be of good cheer, all is as it should be.
To TRUST is to KNOW!
To TRUST is to GROW!
Be of good cheer, happiness is the key.
Be of good cheer, ALL is well- as it should be.