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Writer's pictureShawna Halley

COVID-19 Care Pack 3

My next BOLD Move

Will it be...

Passive Procrastination or Active Action for Achieving Amazing Results?

Let's keep it simple. 

Do you Value your Vision?

Step1*Write the vision down( if you're not sure how to get started or where to begin click the link below for a step-by-step process to help you clearly define and laser in on what is right for you). No more living for mom, or dad, or grandma, or society. All eyes on you.

Three way to sift the BS and hold onto your VISION-Show up for you!

1. What you are sharing with the world now, are you doing so authentically and unapologetically?

2. Are you charging for your services, or are you treating your God given gifts as a hobby?

3. You have many gifts to present to the world, which one will you offer first, profit then- a la- caret the the others incrementally by bundling for better results?

Value your Vision, you deserve-heaven on earth.

share this with a friend to "Make our presence and contribution a generational GIFT to nations"-sHalley

Skim the surface of your VISION here

                          Go deeper here click link below...                              Redeem your Gift $150.00 OFF

Code—DIY S LiveWell—

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